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How to Improve Website Performance




Hey there, SEO enthusiasts! Technical SEO, oh how we love thee! It's the backbone of any good SEO strategy and a key skill for any SEO professional to have. But let's face it, it can be a pretty broad discipline that covers a lot of ground. But don't worry, in this lesson we're going to dive into technical SEO and show you how to improve a website's performance like a boss!

First things first, we'll start by learning how to conduct a technical SEO audit. This is the foundation for any technical SEO strategy and will give you a roadmap for improving your website's performance. From there, we'll cover how to reduce page size to increase load speed and limit HTTP requests to maximize page caching.

But wait, before you start this lesson, make sure you've got a solid understanding of SEO. If you haven't completed the SEO Certification yet, now might be a good time to do that!

Alright, let's get started and show the world how technical SEO is done!

How to Conduct a Technical SEO Audit

Conducting a technical SEO audit is essential to ensuring that your website is running at its optimal performance. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  • Review Website Structure: Make sure that your website has a clear and organized structure. This includes checking for proper hierarchy, categories, and subcategories.

  • Check for Broken Links: Broken links not only make for a poor user experience, but they also harm your website's ranking. Use a broken link checker tool to identify and fix any broken links on your website.

  • Analyze Page Speed: Page speed is a crucial ranking factor. Use tools like GTmetrix or Google PageSpeed Insights to analyze your page speed and identify areas for improvement.

  • Check for Mobile Responsiveness: Mobile responsiveness is a must-have in today's digital landscape. Use tools like Google's Mobile-Friendly Test to check if your website is optimized for mobile devices.

  • Evaluate Content: Ensure that your website's content is of high quality, relevant, and provides value to your audience. Check for duplicate content, and make sure all images are optimized with proper alt tags.

  • Monitor Website Health: Regular monitoring of your website is essential to ensure its health. Use tools like Google Search Console to monitor your website's performance and identify any technical issues.

These are just some of the crucial steps involved in conducting a technical SEO audit. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to optimizing your website for better performance and ranking.

Reducing Page Size for Faster Load Speed:

Let's face it, no one likes a slow-loading website. And as much as your visitors might appreciate the beauty of your website design and content, they're not going to stick around if it takes forever to load. That's why it's crucial to keep your website's load speed in check, and there's no better place to start than by reducing your page size. Here's how:

  • Compress Images: One of the biggest culprits of slow-loading pages are large, uncompressed images. By using tools like TinyPNG or, you can easily compress your images, reducing their size and helping your pages load faster.

  • Optimize Code: Just like images, unoptimized code can also slow down your pages. Make sure to use clean, efficient code and to eliminate any unnecessary elements. Minify your CSS, JavaScript, and HTML to reduce their file size.

  • Minimize HTTP Requests: Every time a browser has to make an HTTP request, it slows down the loading process. To reduce the number of requests, you can combine multiple files into one, or use CSS Sprites to combine your images into a single file.

By implementing these strategies, you'll be able to significantly reduce your page size, resulting in faster load speeds and a better user experience. Remember, a website that loads quickly is a website that visitors will keep coming back to.

Limiting HTTP Requests for Maximum Page Caching

HTTP requests are a vital component of your website's performance, and it's important to limit them in order to maximize page caching and keep your website running smoothly. But where do you start? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are some tips for limiting HTTP requests and getting the most out of your website's performance:

  • Reduce the number of plugins and external scripts: One of the easiest ways to reduce the number of HTTP requests your website makes is by limiting the number of plugins and external scripts you use. Take a look at the plugins and scripts you currently have installed and consider whether they are all necessary. If not, deactivate or delete them to reduce the number of HTTP requests your website makes.

  • Combine files: Another way to reduce the number of HTTP requests is to combine files, such as CSS and JavaScript files. By combining multiple files into one, you can reduce the number of requests your website needs to make, which in turn will speed up your website's load time.

  • Use a content delivery network (CDN): A content delivery network can help you distribute the load of your website's assets across multiple servers, reducing the number of HTTP requests your website needs to make.

  • Optimize images: Optimizing images can have a huge impact on the number of HTTP requests your website makes. Compress images and ensure they are properly sized to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred when a page loads.

By implementing these strategies, you can reduce the number of HTTP requests your website makes, improving page caching and ultimately, your website's performance. So, get to it! Your website's visitors will thank you.


Well folks, that concludes our lesson on technical SEO! We hope you learned something new and are ready to tackle your next technical SEO audit with confidence. Remember, the key to a successful technical SEO strategy is to start with a solid audit and work on reducing page size and limiting HTTP requests.

We know, technical SEO can be a bit overwhelming at times, but with the right skills and knowledge, you'll be able to improve website performance and show your clients the results they're looking for. So get out there and show the world how technical SEO is done!

How to Improve Website Performance
Mark Arba


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